Saturday, September 19, 2009

Move From Blogger to WordPress Without Losing Google Rank

Your experiment in blogging has really taken off, so you're itching to move from Blogger to a self-hosted WordPress installation. Luckily, you can do so without losing the traffic you worked so hard to build.

The last thing you want, when moving your blog to a new home, is to tank your Google ranking and traffic flow. At Digital Inspiration, they've put together a step by step guide to transplanting your Blogger-based and hosted blog to a self-hosted WordPress installation—without leaving your rank and traffic behind. This quick video explains the process:

The video covers all of the steps, but if you're going to be transplanting your blog, i would suggest visiting Digital Inspiration and reviewing the detailed step by step instructions to make sure you don't miss anything critical. Have experience moving blogs to new hosts and platforms? Sound off in the comments with your tips, warning, and horror stories.

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